BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ESTS Course on Terrorism and Disaster Management UID:10 DESCRIPTION:An educational event under the patronage of Mr Secretary GeneralThis is a two day course.\n\nDay 1\, 16 November 2017\, 13:30 hours – 18:30 hours is open to the public and will address general aspects on terrorism and preparedness.\n\nSession 1:  Origins and dissemination of terrorism\nSession 2:  Prevention and management of terrorist attacks\n\nDay 2\, 17 November 2017\, 08:30 – 16:30 hours is open to healthcare professionals aims to prepare European surgeons for state of the art of medical mass casualty management from triage at the site of the attack to care for individual victims\n\nSession 1:  On-site management at the site of disaster\nSession 2:  In-hospital organisation of care for multiple wounded\nSession 3:  Care of the individual patient\nSession 4:  Expected and unexpected situations\n\nRegistrationRegistration is now closedRegistration fees:  Day 1:    50 euros - badge distribution starts at 11:00 hoursDay 2:    2-day package for 300 euros – badge distribution starts at 07:00 hours. \n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20200407T100600Z DTSTART:20171116T133000Z DTEND:20171117T163000Z LOCATION:The Hemicycle of Council of Europe Strasbourg, France END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR