BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ESTS-STS Robotic Webinar UID:170 DESCRIPTION:Different Approaches of Thymectomies for Which Indications?Monday 2 October 2023\nTime:  18:00 hours CET \nPlease Click Here to RegisterChair:  Marion Durand\, Paris\, France\n\nSpeakers: \nJens-Carsten Ruckert\, Berlin\, Germany (ESTS)\nLana Schumacher\, Boston\, US (STS)\n\nThis webinar is devoted to give crucial technical indications of the best way to operate mediastinal thymic neoplasms depending on size\, position and infiltration in the neighbour structures.  The webinar will include videos to highlight technical details.  \n\n  DTSTAMP:20230707T043400Z DTSTART:20231002T043600Z DTEND:20231002T043600Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR