BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Reunion De Chirurgie Thoracique, Mons, Belgium Endorsed by ESTS UID:50 DESCRIPTION:15 - 16 October 2020\n\nProgram and Information\n\n"Jean Deslauriers" prize for best poster presentation\nPosters are to be sent to by 20 March 2020 at the latest\n\nThis year we decided to share the theme chosen for the Royal Belgian Society for Surgery congress namely 'out of the box'. It is necessary\, indeed\, sometimes to leave the beaten paths of the classical education side by side.\n\nThe success of a surgical procedure requires certain technical skills. This can be developed\, encouraged by the introduction of different forms of surgical simulators. Our experts will discuss with us also about lung cancer screening and follow-up.\n\n DTSTAMP:20200522T160500Z DTSTART:20201015T161100Z DTEND:20201016T161100Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR