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Thoracic School: Prague

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Course Postponed due to COVID 19 - participants will be informed of new dates

A 5 day theoretical course organised in the Knowledge Track of the ESTS School activities.  Five days interactive presentations and discussion to ensure knowledge of the fundamental principles of the theory of thoracic surgery. The course includes an international faculty with case based teaching, case discussion, learn from peers session, state of the art lectures, surgical videos and interactive seminars  This course provides an educational platform for thoracic surgeons worldwide and to prepare for the European Board of Thoracic Surgery Examination, EBTS.

The target audience is general thoracic surgical residents in their last two years of residency program and thoracic surgeons in the first two years of independent practice.

This course attracts an international faculty from world acknowledged experts and offers free fellowships for participants in training/working in low middle income European countries.

This event is awaiting approval for CME

  • Exam questions related to the course can be found here