About ESTS HistoryInteractive History TimelineConstitutionBoard of DirectorsCommitteesESTS Board of DirectorsESTS Database CommitteeESTS Finance CommitteeESTS International CommitteeESTS Learning Affairs CommitteeESTS Membership CommitteeNominating CommitteeESTS RegentsESTS Women in General Thoracic SurgeryESTS Annual Meeting Committee Budapest 2025ESTS Annual Meeting Committee Barcelona 2024ESTS Annual Meeting Committee Milano 2023ESTS Annual Meeting Committee The Hague 2022ESTS Annual Meeting Committee 2021ESTS Annual Meeting Committee The Hague 2020ESTS Annual Meeting Committee Dublin 2019ESTS Annual Meeting Committee Ljubljana 2018ESTS Annual Meeting Committee Innsbruck 2017ESTS Annual Meeting Committee Naples 2016ESTS Annual Meeting Committee Istanbul 2016ESTS Annual Meeting Committee Lisbon 2015Lisbon 2015 Abstract ReviewersESTS Annual Meeting Committee Copenhagen 2014Copenhagen 2014 Abstract ReviewersESTS Annual Meeting Committee Birmingham 2013Birmingham 2013 Abstract ReviewersESTS RegentsPast PresidentsHonorary MembersPatient Information (Patient Centered Working Group)What is Thoracic SurgeryTypes of surgical incisions or skin wounds for pulmonary and mediastinal surgery Other alternative approaches: rigid and flexible bronchoscopy; cervical incisionsDiseasesCOPD and the pulmonary surgeryWhy is COPD important to your surgeryCOPD treatmentPulmonary nodules and lung cancerRisk factors: smokingLung cancerTypes of Lung cancerDiagnosisStagingTreatmentTypes of Pulmonary resectionsChest traumaDiagnosis and initial managementTypes of chest injuries according to their locationTreatment of the most frequent lesionsPneumothoraxChest wall tumorsThymic tumors: thymoma, thymic carcinomaRespiratory insufficiency and lung transplantWhat is a Lung Transplant? Preoperative evaluation and optimization The surgical process of lung transplantWhat to expect during recovery and possible complicationsThe surgical processAt the outpatient clinicPreparation for admissionAdmission one day or more before Admission the same day of the surgery The day of the surgeryThe postoperative period: Expected recovery after surgery.Once at homeGeneral instructions Standard Wound CareReasons for seeking medical attentionFrequently asked questions after surgerySummary of recommendations of what NOT to do after surgery CounsellingStop smokingChest physiotherapyBasic exercisesExercises lying downExercises sitting downUseful appsWomen in General Thoracic SurgeryWorking Groups (multiple)Working Groups: General Information & MembersRegulationsLive ActivitiesOutputFeedbackAnnual ReportCollaborationJob OpportunitiesOrganogram of GovernanceIndustry PartnershipsGeneral AssemblyContactAbout ESTS Share via: Home About ESTS Patient Information (Patient Centered Working Group) Diseases Chest trauma Types of chest injuries according to their location Types of chest injuries according to their location Chest wall lesions: Contusions or bruises Rib fractures Flail chest Esternal and scapula fractures Clavicle fractures Lung lesions or those affecting the pleural space: Lung contusion Lung laceration Neumothorax Hemothorax Hemoneumothorax Airway lesions Tracheo-bronchial tree injuries Heart lesions Cardiac tamponade Myocardial contusion Great vessels lesions Aortic rupture Thoracic portion of the aorta lesion Esophageal lesions Diaphragm lesions Back to previous page